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Tuesday 22 February 2022

Danny Wilson

M-8 Cooling - Not all Fins are Equal

When it comes to an air-cooled V-twin engine, most of us believe that more fins mean more cooling. However, there is one individual who thinks otherwise - Danny Wilson has turned the orthodoxy on its head.
"The large span between the fins on my cylinders creates tunnels for considerably more air movement than is the case with the stock fins. And, if you look at the surface between those fins, there are high and low spots and tool marks. 

"That uneven surface creates disturbance as the air runs over the surface - the rough surface makes it easier for the air to pull the heat from the aluminum."
Danny's unique cylinders are made from billet aluminum with ductile iron liners. The current catalog includes kits that start at 125 cubic inches and go all the way to 159 inches for M-8s.
The two smallest kits, the 125 and 129 inches, are designed for installation in 107 and 114 inch M-8s - while the cases stay in the frame.
The rest of the kits are aimed at the more serious enthusiasts. These kits include cylinders and a crankshaft and start at 131 cubic inches and go right up to 159 inches. Similar cylinders and kits will soon be available for Twin Cams.