Andrew Dellenbach is the new Technical Sales Manager for Darkhorse Crankworks (Hoban Bros) in Wisconsin and will be in charge of supporting their dealer network and bringing their expanding Darkhorse Motor Products product line to market.
"Andrew's experience in our niche market is huge for our company, coming in with over 12 years of experience in the American V-Twin industry and being able to hit the ground running is key. Our dealers trust Darkhorse for building a rock solid foundation to their engine builds and he is one in maybe a handful people in the entire industry with the knowledge to set up the intricacies of H-D lower end & crankshafts to work with every motor configuration in the V-Twin industry today." says Darkhorse Crankworks GM John Dahmer
"I have always thought of this industry as a family and a passion, not just a job. To have this opportunity to work at Darkhorse Crankworks with this team means a lot to me. They have all welcomed me with open arms and all share the same passion that I do when it comes to helping our customers. I am really looking forward to growing with Darkhorse Crankworks and the team" said Dellenbach.
"As soon as we found out Andrew was available, I called him and asked if would be open to joining our team. Guys like Andrew do not come along very often, and we are excited to bring him and his product knowledge into our family. We are committed to support our worldwide dealer network and Andrew is just the guy to do it" Dahmer added.