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Tuesday, 18 February 2025


2025 HardDrive Catalog 

The Boise, Idaho based HardDrive V-twin parts and accessory distribution brand from WPS (Western Power Sports) has announced its new 2025 catalog.

"In a dynamic and ever-evolving industry, HardDrive remains driven to provide innovative brands and products to their global dealer network. The 2025 HardDrive catalog is in full swing with over 700+ new items that span across all product categories and can be viewed online or in print.

"HardDrive strives to bring its dealer network top quality service items, while holding a competitive market value and this year its expanded into carburetion, rear drive belts and mechanic service covers. The portfolio will continue to expand its vast variety of products and applications."

Krys Brown, Segment Director for V-Twin and Street at WPS said: "We are proud to announce our new exclusive partnership with Cerwin-Vega / Daimond Audio and excited to offer our dealer network an elite brand with decades of deep seeded roots within the audio industry. They’ve come to the market with a top-tier level of innovation that will be hard to compete with. 

"New to the family of brands this year are industry leaders such as Cobra USA and Wild-Ass Seat Cushions. Cobra brings years of experience with their classic designs and quality level that is second to none. Our 2025 catalog pages are filled with exhaust systems, slip-on mufflers, sissy bars, luggage racks and freeway bars. 

"The team over at Wild-Ass have taken the inflatable, medical grade seat cushion selection to a whole new level. They are passionate about bringing pure comfort to riders and if you hit a rally this year, please stop by and see them out there having fun and educating the masses."