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Monday 2 September 2024

SBS Friction

SBS "Empowers the U.S. Motorcycle Industry" with Certified Brake Specialists

Motorcycle brake system components, not least the brake pads, are vital in ensuring performance and safety. Recognizing the need for specialized knowledge in this area, SBS Friction A/S, a leading provider of brake pads and friction solutions, has launched a unique product training program - the SBS Brake Academy.

A comprehensive training program that is designed to certify national distributors of SBS products, dealerships and mechanics as SBS Brake Specialists - and for those focusing on racing brakes - this certification enables industry professionals to showcase their expertise to motorcycle customers and users, thereby enhancing their credibility and customer trust.

The first SBS distributor to complete this training and become officially certified as an SBS Brake Center in the United States is Lemans Corporation - Parts Unlimited and Drag Specialties.

SBS Chief Sales Officer, Christel Munk Pedersen, acknowledges the result of Lemans Corporation - "SBS applauds the efforts of Lemans Corporation in prioritizing its team's knowledge and skills. It also emphasizes the shared mission of SBS and Lemans Corporation in providing the best possible service to their customers.

"All Drag Specialties and PU sales representatives have undergone the training, equipping them with the knowledge to provide expert advice on SBS brake pads and brake rotors. As certified SBS Brake Specialists, they are now ready to provide dealerships throughout the U.S. with expert advice, thereby enhancing the quality of service provided to customers.

"The SBS Brake Academy training program is not just about imparting knowledge, it's about building a community of experts who are passionate about motorcycles, brake parts, and who are committed to providing the best service possible. This sentiment is echoed by the National Sales Managers, Steve Weir and Greg Matter from Parts Unlimited and Drag Specialties, who have prioritized their team's knowledge and skill levels to ensure they can provide their customers with the best service possible."

Christel says that the launch of the SBS Brake Academy marks a significant milestone in the motorcycle industry. "It signifies an intensified shift towards a more trust- and knowledge-based approach to servicing and maintaining motorcycles and the relations therein, with a particular focus on the brake system. We believe that the SBS Brake Academy sets a new standard for the industry."

More than 70% of the direct customer-base of SBS have started onboarding SBS Brake Academy, with a required completion rate of minimum 80% of sales representatives for a distributor to be awarded the uniquely identifiable certification. "It furthermore entails a 100% graduation level and understanding of the SBS Better Brakes offering."