Winona, Minnesota based Goodson, the automotive and motorcycle engine builder tools and supplies specialist, has announced the addition of the Kibblewhite Precision Machining (KPMI) range of Harley-Davidson valvetrain components to its program.
The company says it has spent several months working with Kibblewhite to ensure all the valves, guides, seals and spring kits are the same, if not better quality than those it had been previously supplying to V-twin engine builders.
According to Dave Monyhan, Goodson National Sales Manager, “we have a full interchange from the AV&V part numbers to the Kibblewhite part numbers. We can now offer V-twin engine builders even more selection for most motorcycle applications.
“We are very impressed by the quality and complete shipping confirmations we have received from Kibblewhite. This will reduce our shipping timeframe as well as eliminate the additional costs associated with importing products from other countries.”
In other news, Goodson President Juan Roque is retiring, with former Controller Roger Schumacher taking over as President; Cammy Thomas is the new Operations Manager.