Drag Specialties is releasing an updated 2018/2019 edition of its “OldBook” parts and accessories catalog.
The company says that “with the complete new lineup of 2018 Harley-Davidson motorcycles hitting the showroom floor, it is time for us to shift the Evolution Big Twin product to the OldBook and adjust our layout. Gone are the different sections unique to the previous OldBooks.
“Instead, you will find our entire product line for all early model Big Twins - Evolution, Shovelhead, Knucklehead, Panhead and Ironhead XL - organized in the same sections and product formats as the FatBook, so both Drag Specialties catalogs now have the same great look and feel.”
The company continues to add product on a daily basis, so dealers should be “sure to check out DragNetWeb and our monthly “Skinnys” for what’s new and cool for old school rides. Together with our Helmet & Apparel catalog, Tire & Tools catalog and the FatBook, everyone can keep rolling for decades to come.”