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Tuesday, 19 January 2016



Baker Drivetrain is to now open on Saturdays - "Many of our dealers are open on Saturdays, and many current and future BAKER customers are riding and wrenching on the weekends.  We need to be here to support them," Lisa Baker, CEO of BAKER Drivetrain, said. "We believe that we are the first major aftermarket manufacturer in this industry to adopt Saturday hours, and we know that we can be more helpful by being more available." Baker's sales and technical phone lines are now open every Saturday 10:00am to 3:00pm EDT/EST. 
In a potential parallel to the motorcycle regulatory landscape breakthrough seen recently in Europe, the US Congress has included a re-launch for the Federal Motorcycle Advisory Council (FMAC) in a recent highway legislation bill. The FMAC is tasked with regulatory scrutiny and making motorcycle enabling policy and infrastructure recommendations to the Secretary of Transport.

TC Bros has announced that it is to sponsor and attend the Born Free # 8 Custom Motorcycle Show at Oak Canyon Ranch in California, June 25th/26th, 2016.

The 10 percent Federal tax credit available in the United States against the purchase price of an electric motorcycle has been extended to the end of 2016.