I would like to take this opportunity to personally invite you to join us for The AIMExpo Championship of the Americas, a showcase of design, engineering and creativity by custom bike builders from as far north as Greenland and all the way south to the tip of South America. For the first time in motorcycling history there will be a world class bike show focused on the builders from all of the Americas. We have had World Champions from both Canada and the United States of America and in the past few years we have seen world class entries from Mexico, Columbia and Argentina. Custom bike builders from all over the Americas will meet in Orlando Florida from October 15th through the 18th, 2015 to compete for an entry and expenses to represent the Americas in the 2016 AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building held in Cologne Germany during the INTERMOT International Motorcycle Fair (October 5th through the 9th, 2016).

The show will feature four classes based on different platform combinations of engine and chassis configurations. The competition will be open to all brands of motorcycles making it a truly International competition. The first and foremost platform, which builders will be vying for the opportunity to move on to the World Championship, will of course be Free Style which pose absolutely no restrictions on the builder. The next platform will be the Retro Custom which restricts the builder to pre-1984 drive trains. One of the most popular platforms, Street Custom, limits the builders’ to major OEM drivetrain and chassis configurations. The final platform, Performance Custom, does not have to be street legal and allows all out competition motorcycles to compete.
For those of you that will be competing in the Free Style class at the Harley Museum Pro Invitational Show during the Milwaukee Labor Day Rally, we have an additional surprise, the Harley Museum will be paying out $2,000 towards expenses to compete in the Championship of the Americas. We sincerely hope you will join us during AIMExpo 2015. Registration is now open, go to AIMExpousa.com and click on any top button then go to AIMExpo Championship of the Americas and follow along.
As always if you need any help or have any questions feel free to call me, Bob Kay, 817-312-0380 or e-mail me at bobk@mpeshows.com