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Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Drag Specialties

S&S carb kits

Drag Specialties has a range of S&S carb kits available for immediate shipping, including the Super E kit seen here, that includes a signature S&S teardrop air cleaner assembly.

The Super E has a 1 7/8" throat at the butterfly and a 1 9/16" venturi, making it ideal for use on Big Twin and Sportster engines up to 100". The manifold and mounting hardware are sold separately, as are the required two-cable pull open/pull close throttle assembly and, for '36-'65 models, a 1" spacer block to clear the external oil line.

Also seen here is a replacement Super E and G carburetor bowl assembly, a master rebuild kit for Super A and B carbs that includes body, accelerator pump, fasteners, springs, idle mixture screw and needle assembly, and a master jet kit for Super B, E and G carbs that includes one each of all the main and intermediate jets.