The new CUBIQ disc from Spanish brakes specialist Galfer features an original brake track design with hexagonal shapes that is said to offer better braking than a conventional round disc design with up to 40% weight reduction.
"While searching for innovation and development, our engineers created a new concept in brake discs for high displacement motorcycles," says owner Umberto Milesi.
"The CUBIQ disc design features a unique brake track configuration with hexagonals that resemble the molecular and crystal structure of the steel itself. With this shape we achieve better cooling and improved weight loss, which also results in better maneuverability of the motorcycle.
"The new CUBIQ was tested and validated in competition during last June's 3-hour endurance race organized by Monlau CompeticiĆ³n at the Calafat circuit - no less than ten Honda CBR 600 RR motorbikes equipped with the new CUBIQ discs and Galfer Sinter Sport R G1375R brake pads rode the circuit simultaneously."
The improved cooling is achieved because the design increases the convection perimeter, so there is more cooling surface around the brake track and better temperature dissipation. "The increased cooling surface optimizes the friction surface and enables a lighter brake track design."
Galfer also says that because there is the same contact surface between brake pad and disc in each turn, the brake pads wear evenly and there's homogeneous pressure, and that the reduced unsprung mass reduces the dynamic unbalance (gyroscopic effect) and improves the maneuverability of the motorcycle.
The design of the CUBIQ brake track is inspired by the latest modern designs and contemporary elements and is named after the steel molecules of the crystal structure of the metal.
The CUBIQ range will include fixed and floating discs and the floating discs will have variants with a steel or aluminum core.
The CUBIQ was officially released at EICMA for several road and sport motorbikes from 600 cc and up and will arrive on the custom market for Harleys and other custom style V-twins in April 2020.
"Just as the Disc Wave became a new standard in the brake components industry when we released it 20 years ago, so too the CUBIQ will set a new benchmark."