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Tuesday 4 June 2024


BRL to Add Amateur Bagger Class to AMA Vintage Road Racing Schedule

Classic racing motorcycles from decades past will command the freshly repaved curves of Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course in Lexington, Ohio, during 2024 Permco AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days (July 26-28, 2024) as America's grandest celebration of vintage motorcycles honors eras old and new with national championship racing on one of the country's favorite road courses.

"Mid-Ohio's 2.4-mile road course, with its legendary Keyhole and Carousel sections, has a fresh coat of asphalt and is ready to welcome a full slate of vintage road racing during VMD," said AMA Director of Racing Mike Pelletier. 

"Classes will include hand-shifted pre-war racers, non-current superbikes, modern machines and everything in between - even sidecar rigs. The AMA appreciates our organizing partner WERA Motorcycle Roadracing and its efforts in growing and supporting the program."

New for this year is the addition of an amateur Bagger Racing Class, in collaboration with AMA-chartered promoter Bagger Racing League (BRL), with, for the first time, a coveted AMA Amateur National Bagger Champion to be crowned.

BRL founder Rob Buydos - "BRL is thrilled to bring this fabulous racing action to VMD for the first time, especially during the 100th year celebration of the AMA itself."

"Baggers were built to tour, but in the right hands and with the right modifications, they become some of the wildest racing machines on the planet," said BRL founder Rob Buydos. "The roar they make, how they move around and attack the corners is amazing to watch, and race fans are in for a serious thrill at Permco AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days this year. BRL is thrilled to bring this fabulous racing action to VMD for the first time during the 100th year celebration of the AMA itself."