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Tuesday 7 July 2020


KessTech - Euro 4 Compliant Electronic Sound Experience

Based near Würzburg in Germany, multi-mode exhaust sound management specialist KessTech has expanded from its core Harley-Davidson and BMW product base with a new application for Indian Cruiser, Bagger, Touring and Challenger models.
Using their proven and established ESE system - Electronic Sound Experience - with Active Engine Protection and 'Power Feature', the rider can automatically turn electronically controlled management of the sound from the Euro 4 approved exhaust system on and off, and select from the three sound modes from the handlebar, without compromising performance while riding.

KessTech has a 25-year pedigree in the development of initially manual and, since 2006, electronically controlled sound management to enable Harley riders to enjoy the deep, rich tones that characterize the traditional sound of the Harley exhaust, while riding within the strict EU and German TÜV noise regulations.
ESE is not an upgrade to its original Electronic Sound Management technology, but a completely newly developed system that "perfects the unique driving experience and the distinctive sound that KessTech has been known for in the past" - one that brought KessTech technology to Euro 4 compliant exhausts for the first time when it was first introduced in 2017.

ESE saw KessTech not only improve and change the multi-mode functionality of the handlebar control, but redesign and reprogram the electronics and install new control motors for the completely redesigned control valve flap.
A year later KessTech took another giant leap forward in what electronic exhaust sound management can bring to the rider with their added Active Engine Protection and 'Power Feature', allowing the rider to activate an additional performance boost in both the OFF and MEDIUM mode.
The 'Power Feature' automatically detects when more power is needed (for example when overtaking or in a dangerous situations) and delivers it immediately without having to change modes.

Additionally, Active Engine Protection automatically and dynamically tunes the system when needed. For example, when in OFF mode, if  ESE notices that the engine is getting too hot (for example at a red traffic light), it will open the exhaust valve flap automatically to reduce the exhaust gas back pressure and allow heat to escape. If the driving profile changes to a thermally less critical level, the system automatically readjusts.
Electronically adjustable muffler sound systems with EC type approval have become an increasingly competitive corner of the custom exhaust market in Europe in the past decade. With more than 50,000 systems already sold for Harley and BMW applications - with many thousands of those successfully sold and installed by authorized Harley-Davidson dealers - KessTech claims market leadership with some justification.
Being ISO 9001:2015 certified has allowed KessTech to be so sure of its quality control that they sell their stainless steel exhaust systems with a 4-year warranty and offer backwards compatible ESE software upgrades at no cost.